
Award WinningCreators of Safety Content

Nationally RecognizedProduction • Distribution

It seems like only yesterday we were producing, creating and distributing our first DVD. A lot of things have changed most important “the audience” is different. They’re tech savvy, mobile and hard reach. We specialize in all formats of media traditional to video games and not limited to but including VR and AR.

Medical Safety

Our organization has produced hundreds training videos and media assets for hospital staff, nurses and physicians. We are unique in that we have our own medical director advising us in every aspect of our work.

Transportation Safety

Our organization has produced award winning safety training media for logistics companies, warehousing and international freight agencies.

Fire Safety

Our organization has produced a 30 minute hand drawn animated cartoon that is being used internationally to teach children about fire safety.

Veteran Safety

Veterans are very close to our hearts. We are making a special effort to include them in every aspect of our organization’s activities. Many have served us twice in the military and then again as a trucker.

This Year
We expanded our distribution of Firefighter Frank to children K-5 Internationally.


See HowWe’ve Grown

This new DVD is a welcome addition to the Firefighter Frank Fire Safety Program. The cover is done in a retro format to fit in "country store" retail locations. Be under no illusion children get to spend a day with firefighters take a ride in the most awesome fire trucks and get their hands on state of the art fire fighting equipment.

Fire Educator's Curriculum

This complete fire safety curriculum was specifically created for children K-5 and is being used by fire stations all over the world.

Fire Safety School House Pack

This convenient bundle makes it possible for the PTA or other civic groups to provide each classroom with their own set of fire safety curriculum.

Firefighter Frank curriculumCheck out the video.

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House fires remain a number killer of children under the age of 12We believe… every day should be fire safety day.

We help truckers receive first class healthcare.

We believe in the mission of UrgentCare Travel giving truckers the opportunity to receive quality healthcare for about the price of a cup of coffee a day for a month. #

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Tax Relief for Truckers.

How in the world does accounting and taxes figure into safety? In a BIG way. Think about it a truck driver is actually the manager of a small business. If the accounting is a mess that’s a trigger for stress. Stress leads to depression and creates an atmosphere of an unsafe driver.

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Meet the doctorDr. Kerry D. Friesen, M.D.

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Originally from Ontario Canada.  Dr. Kerry D. Friesen has more than 40 years of experience in the areas of health promotion and disease prevention.  Dr. Friesen serves as Medical Director for Voice of the Highway Communications and can be heard on Voice of the Highway Radio promoting a healthy lifestyle for all professional drivers.

Safety Communications PlatformRadio/TV/Web for Professional Drivers

Would you like to make the world safer place?

If you have an idea for a safety campaign we’re all ears and would love to
hear from you.